United States

The first case of coronavirus in the US was confirmed on Jan. 21 in the state of Washington as a man had just returned from Wuhan in China at 15 January. Since then and the number of cases is increasing in the US. On April 12, the United States became the most nation with deaths cases globally. The spread of the virus among the United Starts wasn’t absolutely by luck. There are some human factors that led to that. The virus can be easily transmitted by air, or by touching surface that are infected with the virus.

Due to the Population density in New York, it was obvious that it would be epicenter of the coronavirus in the United States. By March 26 more then 20,000 of New York residents tested positive. One of the human factors that helped the virus to spread, is testing delays. Also one of the reasons that helped in the spread of the virus is that New York gets more than 60 million tourist a year.

Social-distancing failure was one of the reasons that helped the infection to be transmitted all over the country. College students packed Florida beaches on spring break. New York City residents filled subway cars and streets. A church in Louisiana continued to welcome thousands of Christians. Across the country there was no awareness of how important is it to keep social-distance.

So please if you are an American citizen:

  • Don’t go to beach in spring break .
  • Stay at home as much as possible
  • if going out is necessary wear a medical mask
  • Avoid being in dense places in cities as they are known for widespread of the virus

Stay home & Stay safe